I was surprised by how much I lived this movie. I haven't seen a chick flick in a long time that I related to. Yes, there are some embarrasingly cheesy moments but I just gave into it.
So, you should Netflix it or you can watch it on YouTube. Some person uploaded the whole thing in 12 parts! Man, people have a lot of time of their hands. Below is Part One.
(Update: I looked over this post and saw what I thought was a typo. I said "I was surprised by how much I lived this movie." What I meant to write was "I was surprised by how much I loved this movie." But actually I think the first sentance was right. The Maria Bello character has some shades of me. I don't want to give too much away but sometimes, I too make myself a supporting character. I'll just leave it at that. And I might be a little demanding when it comes to dudes. You'll get it when you see the movie. Also, I love Jane Austen and have read all of her novels. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite. I am curious to read some of her novels again to see if, in my old age, another book might speak to me in a new way.)
I tried to watch this movie on a plane and just couldn't get into it. I've never read any Jane Austen books, seen any Jane Austen adaptations, and I generally don't like English period pieces, so I think this all flew right over my head. :(
Posted by: Camille | August 22, 2008 at 09:10 PM
Cool. I just watched the movie. Really really liked it!! Definitely makes you want to read her again. I also love her and have read, well, almost all her books. I'm thinking of people who would join me for a Jane Austen Book Club... Thanks for the recommendation. Absolutely worth it!
Posted by: Zoe | August 23, 2008 at 05:13 AM
To Camille: Your comment makes a lot of sense. When I saw the trailer a few months ago, it felt like it would only be appeal-able to Jane Austen readers/lovers - which is why I didn't see it. I like movies to connect as broadly as possible to the human experience. I thought "Enough of the Jane Austen period piece! It's all been done multiple times, in all time periods." But since I am a fan, I think I actually did myself a dis-service.
Having said that, I thought the charcters never really got to discuss her books, but only their lives -- but THEN you would have to find their lives interesting in order to then make the movie appeal-able. Which I gather they did not do too well for you. :)
Posted by: Zoe | August 23, 2008 at 05:21 AM
I'm glad you watched it Zoe! Camille, this movie is totally cheesy so anyone who can't get into it, I completely understand. You don't have to be an Austen lover to like it but liking Austen makes the film deeper.
Posted by: tuckergurl | August 23, 2008 at 06:41 AM