Note: For those keeping up with my blog and thinking, "Hey, Angela has not posted in a few days. I thought she was posting 365 days." Well, my apartment has gotten new floors (pictures soon) so my computer has been offline for the past few days. These entries were written in my journal and are now up on this site. I thought it was better to do it this way then to write a bunch of short entries promising longer ones.
This picture made me think of the end of a big, big party. It seemed a good completing photo. Andrea (who I do not know but whose blog I am a regular follower) has issued a challenge to answer the following questions and declare 2007 complete. Because I have new floors, I have already had a nice process of renewal but I figured I would post some of my answers here.
1. What do you want to acknowledge yourself for in regard to 2007?
Overall, I think I was more productive creatively than I have ever been. I also think that I have started putting myself out there with people more. I also think that I am more forgiving of myself and my short comings. I also think I was more proactive about my health than I ever have been.
2. What is there to grieve about 2007?
I forgive myself for gaining weight this year.
I forgive myself for not being in a relationship this year. There seems to be two general theories around why folks are single. Either being single is entirely your fault for not going out enough, never saying no to anyone (even the 21 year old Sean Kingston look alike who hits on you in the street). Or there is a higher power who bestows love upon only a certain few. Personally, I think finding a mate is a little bit of both. Whatever the deal is, in a year that was chockful of weddings and babies, I forgive myself for being single.
I forgive myself for the creative projects I did not finish this year.
I forgive myself for the phone calls I never returned.
I forgive myself for taking things too personally sometimes.
I do grieve the loss (just in terms of proximity) of two of my closest friends.
3. What else do you need to say about the year to declare it complete?
It's done. It was an OK year. I've had better and I've had worse.
The final step is to consider your primary focus for the year to come. What is your primary intention or theme for 2008? Is it the year of joy? the year of self-care? the year of partnership?
Stand up and say it proud, "2008 is my year of...."
2008 is my year of ... My friend has the right idea. This is the year of not getting complacent. My job is in a good place this year. Better than it ever has been in some ways. But there are still a lot of things I want for myself and while I am single and no one depends on me for food or companionship, now is the time to do them. I also think 2008 is the year of an European adventure!!