Lately I have been feeling a bit frustrated by the lack of real life, human interaction I have been experiencing. Though I love the power of the Internet, getting someone to actually call you is an event! Sometimes when I meet people, I just want to hear the sound of their voice! (I just had to have my little rant. Thanks for reading.)
The verdict is still out for me about second life but this article entitled, “A House That’s Just Unreal” in The New York Times intrigued me nonetheless. The house displayed in this piece is far beyond any home that most non-celebrities can afford, in this life anyway. In second life, things are a whole lot more affordable. Still, do you really need a house in second life? Some interesting (and humorous) observations this article provides are as follows:
Since you don’t eat in Second Life, do you need a kitchen? Is a bathroom really necessary? Since you can teleport, do you need stairs? Since you don’t sleep, do you need a bedroom? Answers vary, but most opt for at least a bedroom (although not for sleeping).
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