About three times in the last few months (including today) I have run into this guy that I was friends with at the Starbucks across the street from my job. Our friendship ended because I told him that I "liked" him. I put liked in quotes because the whole felt kind of juvenile. Not in the way I acted. I was honest and told him my feelings but he was kind of a mess when I did it. He wanted our ambiguous friendship to continue. He wanted me to like him and ask for nothing in return.
I used to have a lot of male friends like this and it was not good for me. It kept me out of a real relationship. These "friendships" acted as real life boyfriends. But in the end, they weren't. I am over that time in my life. I am single but at least it is clear. My male friends are actually my friends and not substitutes for something else.
It is so strange to run into Mr. Coward at Starbucks. The first few times I have seen him I have smiled in his direction but he played the old, "I'm not looking at you" routine. It is sort of hard to do because we are both pretty tall and tend to look over most people and inevitably at each other. I guess I could say something to him but I feel that smiling at him and getting no response is enough effort. It is just sort of sad. I mean, what does he think I am going to do? Does he think I am sitting next to my Mr. Coward shrine thinking and wondering about him. Come on. It was years ago. Geez!
Uch! I so know what you are talking about! You know who I am talking about! he does the same damn thing. Men are retards!
Posted by: Beebs | April 09, 2007 at 07:23 PM