Let me begin by saying that I have a hard time saying that word, testosterone. All of my diction training in high school falls apart when I have to say that word. Why is that? Oh, my LP would have a field day with that one.
It all began at 11:15am when Barnes and Noble.com emailed me saying that the reading Barack Obama was doing was being moved from 7pm, as originally advertised, to noon. I immediately freaked out. I had planned to leave work early to get a seat. Noon was only 45 minutes away and it was in the middle of the day! Luckily I work at a cool place so the minute I read this email out loud, my co-workers screamed, "Run, run, run!" So off I went!
I have not written about my love for Barack in a long time so some new readers may not know about it. I was actually becoming disgruntled there for a while. I had discovered him fairly early on. (Though I will bow down to the Illinois citizens who really knew his greatness before most of us.) So when the Democratic National Convention happened and he became a HUGE star, I felt a bit like the secret was out. It's silly but I was never good at sharing. Obviously I had to get over it, especially if I want him to be President!
When he first got elected to Senate, he was kind of wishy washy. I can tell he is the kind of guy that really needs to be liked and a lot of his political career is going to be grappling with that issue. In interviews he would tell people not to talk badly about the President even though it was clear that he disagreed with what he was doing. He finally got over this and now is open about his desire to pull out of Iraq amongst other things. I was glad when this shift happened. I do not keep very many people on pedestals so losing him would have been hard.
But back to the reading. I knew I would not get a book signed and I was right. There were about hundred or so people who came early to get wrist bands for an autographed copy of his book. I want to reiterate this point to you all. Wrist bands ladies and gentlement! This was like a rock concert! Thankfully, I was at least able to get in and hear him speak.
It was a little tough to not get my book signed. Mainly because that thing would have been worth a lot of money! But also because there were all of these people ahead of me who had never even heard of him until he was Oprah the day before! You are so not worthy of a signed copy of his book. So not worthy.
Anyway, he came on stage and people were screaming! It was kind of crazy. He apologized profusely for not being able to sign everyone's books. He called New York his first love that he did not marry. (He went to Columbia and lived here for 5 years.) He talked about the title of his new book, The Audactiy of Hope. I wish I could give you a blow by blow but it really comes to my mind in pieces. I can't really remember because I was kind of stunned to be in the same room with him. I just admire him so much.
Later that day, I had another rush of testosterone when I saw The Departed. I really liked this movie. It was a lot of fun and had a lot of intense male energy. And so many good performances! Leonardo DiCaprio is not really my thing usually but he was fantastic and most importantly, pretty yummy looking in this movie. I now understand why Giselle can not walk away from this guy! Alec Baldwin and Mark Wahlberg are hysterical in the film also. Matt Damon was great though I would have liked to understand his character a bit more.
I love Scorsese for what he is. He is not a subtle filmmaker in any way. If he wants you to know what's written on an envelope, he will show you the envelope a hundred times to make sure you did not miss it. There will be a whole scene around this envelope to confirm that the slow group did not nod off and miss it. His movies are long and gory. His female characters are lame. But when he's on, he's on. I think he might have peaked with Goodfellas but The Departed is his best movie in a long, long time. I have not seen a Hollywood film that I was that entertained by in a long time!
So that was my day of testosterone. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
You had diction training in High School? Wow-I don't even think they taught the word "dicton" in public school. Hilarious.
Posted by: beebs | October 21, 2006 at 09:45 AM
I knew you would say something about that! It was because I was an "actress" back then. But yes, I practiced speaking with a cork in my mouth. I still talk waay too fast. I always did.
Posted by: tuckergurl | October 21, 2006 at 09:49 AM
I agree with everything you said in your post. I love Barack (his book is AMAZING) and I loved The Departed. You are the winner.
Posted by: The Rover | October 21, 2006 at 09:24 PM
1. You are absolutely right: those people who had just learned of Barack Obama from Oprah the day before, so didn't deserve to get an autographed copy of the book, over others.
2. I don't think you speak quickly at all.
3. Re: "The good choice" comment above: JEEPERS!
Posted by: m. | October 22, 2006 at 03:58 PM
Holy crap - what is that thing?
Posted by: beebs | October 22, 2006 at 05:39 PM
excellent summary of departed and scorsese. i actually do have a thing for leo, so i was tickled pink watching him in this movie.
i am a late comer to the barack-mobile, but unlike the "just saw him on oprah" folks, i joined after reading dreams of my father. and now *raising hand* i'm a believer. i don't like bandwagonites. you're right; they so don't deserve autographs!! :)
Posted by: summer | October 23, 2006 at 02:02 PM
I too am a latecomer to the Barak train, but now that he's almost certain to throw his hat in the presidential ring for 2008, I'm definitely going to do whatever I can to see that he gets elected
Posted by: Keith Demko | October 25, 2006 at 02:42 PM