This weekend I co-hosted a shower for my preggers gal pal/sister Isha. She is featured in this animated photo that the talented Ari designed. I had this idea to do a "Waking Life" version of a pregnant Isha and knew that Ari was the best person for the job. People seemed to really like the invite.
I am excited for this little boy to come into the world. I am excited to be a loving, caring, kick butt Auntie/God Mother. I am sort of nervous because I want to do a good job and I really have no idea what I am doing. But I am excited to open myself up to loving another human being unabashedly. It is something I have been holding back on and I think this little munchkin is a good place to start.
Today I have started day one of a two day seminar on Photoshop and other Adobe illustrator programs. I have learned so much and though I was pretty beat afterwards (and PMSing may I add), I feel good that I have finally have a clue what the hell is going on in Photoshop. I actually was a star pupil who at times was bored enough to surf a teeny bit on the internet during class. I found this article about my (and Beebs') beloved director, Michel Gondry. What a visionary! I love reading about people like him and I am all over The Science of Sleep.
I came home and had a healthy microwaveable meal (Thanks to the new health food store on Atlantic and Nostrand in Crown Heights. A single girl's dream!) with a glass of wine from a bottle that my friend bought me for my long past birthday. I decided to open my mind to Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip which I had low expectations for. I am the kind of person that hates hype around anything. It makes me avoid it. But even skeptical old me loved, loved, loved this show, It was the best pilot I have ever seen. Who knows what it means for the future but the 60 minutes I watched it were worthwhile! Everyone is great on it. Better than they have ever been on the other shows they were on. (All right, it is pretty hard for Bradley Whitford to be better than he was on The West Wing but everyone else rocks harder here than they have anywhere else.)
You will be a fantastic Auntie/Godmother and this little munchkin will find out very soon how blessed he is to have you in his life.
Thank you for being my friend & sister.
Posted by: Isha | September 19, 2006 at 05:40 AM
I also liked Studio 60.
Posted by: David Jacobs | September 20, 2006 at 08:21 AM