Quel tagged me with this meme. She's quite the reader. I've been slacking lately.
1. One book that changed your life?
Forever by Judy Blume
Quel actually said this but I have a funny story about this book. I was almost suspended from 6th grade for reading the dirty sections out loud. It actually did not change my life but I have funny memories about it.
The Autobiography of Malcolm X did change my life. I read it the summer before college and honestly had not read any memoirs about any great black leaders at that point. It was so well written and taught me a lot about redemption. That summer, I read many memoirs that I had had around my house, Soul on Ice, Manchild in the Promised Land. My parents had quite the library. It really opened my eyes to all of the things I had not learned about my history. I probably became an African-American studies major because of it.
2. One Book That You've Read More Than Once.
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Strangely this is also Quel’s answer. I enjoyed this book but the main reason why I read it several times was because teachers at Wesleyan did not talk to one another and kept assigning this book in multiple classes. I think I had to read this book every year in college.
3. One Book That You'd Want On A Desert Island.
My Gayl Jones anthology (which is currently out of print).
Her books are so captivating and getting through one is a long task. I could be occupied for a long while.
4. One Book That Made You Laugh.
High Fidelity by Nick Hornsby
Man that book is funny. I love them Brits!
5. One Book That Made You Cry.
The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion
This really has more to do with me though than the book. It hit a little close to home.
6. One Book That You Wish You Had Written.
White Teeth by Zadie Smith.
I loved that book. I love her. I've always wanted to be her ... just a little bit.
7. One Book You Wish Had Never Been Written.
Sadly nothing is coming to mind. I tend not to read books that I don’t think I will enjoy so I have not read a horrible book in a long, long time. There are probably a few celebrity memoirs that should not have been written. Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritche, Teri Hatcher. Yeah, those books are a few good candidates.
8. One Book That You Are Reading Right Now.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
I have had it for a long time but have not been in the right frame of mind. I know it is going to be amazing but I also know it is going to be brutal! I am only on page 5.
9. One Book That You Have Been Meaning To Read.
Dreams of My Father by Barack Obama
I know what you are thinking. You say you love him Angela but you’re a liar! I am. I am. I don’t own a copy and I keep thinking I am going to borrow or buy one but never do. I will need to before I leave my job and go to work for him. (OK, I'm not actually working for him anytime soon but I will ... or at least work on his campaign.)
10. Tag five others that you would like to do this meme.
Beebs, Adriana, Ore … I can’t think of anyone else who has not already done something like this.
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