My blog is always a great barometer for me. If I have a hard time writing on it, it means something is going on with me. It's not that I always have to write personal things per say. It just becomes really clear to me that I am blocked in some way and I have to sort of figure it out. That's how I've been feeling lately.
Sunday was the one year anniversary of my brother's death. Friday my sister-in-law had a memorial service to honor the one year anniversary. Honestly, I did not want to do it. I have felt guilty about admitting that but it was how I felt. My brother's funeral was painful enough and all I feel like we did was fight over who missed him more. And I just can not fight that fight anymore. It sucks. But I went because what else was I supposed to do.
It was nice to see all of these people who cared for my brother. I was glad that the service was beneficial for them but honestly, it was hard for me. I just felt like I did not want to to do this all over again. I did not cry at the service. Not at all. It's not that I didn't want to honor my brother. I did but feeling the pain of his death all over again was not what I wanted and honestly, not what I think he would have wanted. So I sort of shut down. I've been sort of shut down for the past few days and I guess I needed to do that. I haven't really wanted to talk to anyone about it. At all. I have just been feeling sort of grumpy and depressed but in a managable way if that makes any sense.
Today, my LP said something that made me really think. He said that I was so concerned with not being stigmatized by people that sometimes I do not allow myself to feel things the way I need to feel them. (Truthfully, sometimes I am stigmatized by people and it drives me crazy.) He thinks that sometimes I do not allow myself to feel pain when I need to feel pain. That it is holding me back in ways I am probably not even aware of.
My big thing in therapy is for it not to be a pity party. I really do not want to see someone who just tells me how sorry they feel for me. I want to just come up with tools to move on. And he has been great about that. But today he wanted me to admit myself and aloud to him that something horrible had happened to me. That my brother's death was a horrible tragedy. That experiencing that without parents makes it even more of a tragedy and it is a painful thing that happened specifically to me. That acting like it is not horrible is hurting me more than anything. And that letting people act like their pain is more meaningful or profound than mine is bullshit. (OK, I added the bullshit part.)
It was hard for me to do. I felt like I was feeling sorry for myself but it was so painful for me to do that I guess I needed to do it. I have always been afraid that feeling sadness and pain over this is this abyss that I will fall into and never come out of. Now that I have let myself fall into it a bit I see that I can come out of it. I just have to let myself fall into when I need to. It makes me feel human and more alive if that makes sense.
(A random non-sequitur. Elizabethtown is a bad movie but the soundtrack is really good. I have been listening to it a lot lately and it is great when you are in a reflective mood. Just a tip.)
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