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    Celebrity Sightings

    • Christina Applegate and Chole Sevigny
      at the BWE 100th episode party. They are both so blonde. That color blonde that does not exist in real life but only with chemical enhancement. They're beautiful though.
    • Melba Moore
      in the airport in Nairobi, Kenya! We smiled at each other over Nescafe (aka coffee).
    • Parker Posey
      at Murray's Bagels. She looked really punk rock.
    • Jessica Lange and Sam Shephard
      at A History of Violence at Cinema Village. They were so cute and followed us everywhere from the movies to Cedar Tavern and back to the movies. They probably thought we were following them.
    • Nicole Ari Parker and Boris Kodjoe
      pushing their baby down 13th Street. I was having a meeting at Cosi around the corner from my overcrowded office. I looked out the window and there they were. They stopped in front of my window and were doing the, who should take the baby conversation. I was trying to listen to the person talking to me but I could not and she was not the type of person who would understand my distraction by these celebs. They are both really attractive but almost too much so. His sneakers were new. His jeans were new. It was weird. I like imperfection.
    • Joshua Redman
      running on 18th Street. I realized that I've seen him many times before and just did not realize it. He was smaller than I thought he's be but I guess most people are.
    • Patti Smith
      which was not a big deal to me but my friend Marina apparently sees her all the time. This was her fourth sighting. I said she should say something like, "I see you everywhere. We should hang out." Marina wouldn't take the bait.
    • Leonardo DiCaprio
      with Isha on our way to the PATH station on 9th Street and 6th Ave. He is very tall but as my friend says, one cheeseburger away from being fat. His bodyguard "subtely" was wearing a jogging suit next to him. I guess they exercise together. He wasn't so hot to me but another girl flipped out when she saw him so what do I know.
    • Sam Rockwell and Liev Schreiber
      on New Year's Eve but you gotta buy me a few drinks to hear that story.
    • John Turturro
      in Union Square looking tall and handsome. I’ve always had a strange little crush on him.
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    Member since 02/2004

    « Veronica Mars | Main | Someone More Addicted to Coffee Than Me »

    October 23, 2005


    David Jacobs

    I agree totally. Since we started watching an hour of TV a day in our house we feel much more relaxed and normal. Not to mention funnier and smarter. Did you see Extras last week?


    I'm also excited for the Boondocks.

    Ari Moore

    Shira and I don't watch TV...


    Yes but you and Shira consume media via DVDs and online so I don't think it's the same thing.


    I'm excited for Boondocks too!!! I just have to remember that it's on.

    David Jacobs

    Angela, let's make a "remind each other" pact about the boondocks. "It's coming Nov. 6!"

    Ari, I recommend cable television for your new home. There are funny jokes being made about commercials that you are missing!


    Haha- Angela thats terrible! I'm so on the opposite spectrum- I think if I actually met someone who did not watch TV- I'd marry him if it was a boy- and become her best friend if she was a girl- just think of all the time that those people have in their lives that we don't- I think they are filling it with conversation, reading and what not....
    but on the other hand- they don't get any Patrick Dempsey!!!!!!!!!!

    PS- I too am so excited about BOONDOCKS!

    David Jacobs

    beebs! This is my point. In 11 days, some of us will have seen the Boondocks, and some of us will NOT have seen the Boondocks. You would date a Boondock-less brain?


    HAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHA- I might date a boondock-less brain if he made a good living and drove an expensive car ofcourse.


    do you have a friend that doesn't watch tv? 'cuz i thinks that's weird too, and i don't understand it either.


    "I know I am supposed to think that they are highly evolved, intellectual beings".

    Yep, they know how to use Internet to get unbiased information from variety of sources as opposed to filtered, corporate view of CNN or Fox. They also value their time and do not want to waste 30 minutes on BS + commercials if all that they say on TV can be read in 2 minutes on the Net. And weather report in Konfabulator is always on the desktop.


    Wow, I had no idea how much discussion this would spark. I definately have a difference of opinion with a lot of people. I don't think watching a television show is BS or eats away at my brain cells. I think anything in moderation is what makes life interesting and I consider it a good use of my time and not a waste of my life. That's my take and obviously I seem strange to a lot of people and that is fine with me.


    Angela! Remember to watch the boondocks tonight!


    I had to do it for a deprivation project in class once and it was a really interesting experience. I feel like I get so much more done with I am not watching TV. Right now, I watch quite a bit of TV but I do try to monitor the amount of time I watch. What irks me about the non-TV people is when they turn up their noses up and proceed to tell you everything that is wrong with TV. I majored in mass communications so anything they have to say in my opinion is null and void. I know the evils of TV but it is also a valuable educational tool. People need to be selective about what they are watching. TV itself isn't what is evil...their selection process is what is questionable.


    I do not watch tv or movies because I am a Christian. And the bible teaches us not to do the things of the world or be happy about the bad of the tv and that is all that is on.

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