I am in the throes of production for my short film, Divine. More stories to follow about that but --
I had to go to the Columbia site to confirm that the millions I am borrowing for this endeavor have cleared. (OK, it's not millions but marrying rich is a priority now.) I came upon this article, Study Finds Depression Intensifies from One Generation to Next, which confirms my greatest fear: that losing my mind is in the not too distant future.
Here is a tidbit:
Nearly 60 percent of children whose parents and grandparents suffered from depression have a psychiatric disorder before they reach their early teens, according to a new study by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) and the New York State Psychiatric Institute (NYSPI). This incidence is more than double the number of children (approximately 28 percent) who develop such disorders with no family history of depression.
I try not t take these things too seriously. Yes, mental illness runs deep in my family but sometimes you come across articles like this and it just makes you freak out a bit.
I hope you get this. My mother was bipolar or maniac depressive as we called it until recently. Reading of you documentary is intrigueing. I traced you from another website, about Ellen G. White. (My mother was raised SDA.) Having talked to other women whose mothers displayed irrational behavior I've often thought of the impact on the child of being raised by parents with mental illness, often undiagnosed. I'm thankful we have a name for what my mother had.
My name is Edina Higgins and I live in Los Angeles, Ca. I hope that you will contact me. I look forward too it.
Posted by: Edina | February 20, 2005 at 12:53 AM
Hi Angela,
Are you at all interested in natural herbal based remedies that are really effective for depression and anemia?
If so, I'll send you some info that you research.
Love your site and your honesty!
Posted by: Kimberly | June 06, 2005 at 01:04 PM
I am interested in learning morea about this project.
Posted by: Alicia | May 08, 2011 at 01:30 PM