The Blog Police has gotten huffy about my recent dip in posts. Things have been crazed and I have a cough that my licensed professional thinks is in my head. Sigh. I've been working a lot on my own stuff which has been cool but I am getting concerned about this feeling I have that I am totally fried and am on the verge of white walls and thick straps.
I am getting a proposal together for The National Black Programming Consortium for my documentary about African-American women with bipolar disorder and am trying to cut together a trailer. (My co-producer finally brought me to my senses and made me pay someone to cut it.) I just did an amazing interview with this woman, Wambui, who is an actress who has a one-woman show Off-Broadway, Balancing Act, about her experiences as an African American with bipolar disorder. Ever do an interview with someone (or even have a conversation) where their story is so harrowing that you literally feel drained just hearing it? She was misdiagnosed (or rather not diagnosed) for about twenty years and has had everything under the sun happen to her. Talking to her made me feel how important it is for me to get this project done, if not for myself, for all of the women like her who have had to live with a mental illness that has gone undiagnosed.
I also have begun auditions for my short film and thesis for little old Columbia U's film school, Divine. I am amazed at how many more out of work actresses there are than actors and I need more men than women. I am amazed at the caliber of actors I've seen as well. I mean, it just goes to show how many talented African-American actors there are out there. Now, if only I could find a lounge to shoot in that wouldn't charge me a million dollars. Sigh.
Honestly, have I said I'm tired? I feel like Zach Braff on his Garden State blog and I'm not even anywhere near as famous as he is. (Garden State is really good by the way. Really good. Well, the ending is kind of lame but ... God, I'm such a filmmaker. I can't enjoy anything!) Thanks everyone for reading. You all are so great. OK, NOW I sound like Zach Braff on his blog.