In the Sunday New York Times, there is an article to add to the debate: to be African-American or not to be. Alan Keyes had this to say about my favorite person, Barack Obama as to whether or not he's African-American:
"Barack Obama claims an African-American heritage," Mr. Keyes said on the ABC program "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos. "Barack Obama and I have the same race - that is, physical characteristics. We are not from the same heritage.""My ancestors toiled in slavery in this country," Mr. Keyes said. "My consciousness, who I am as a person, has been shaped by my struggle, deeply emotional and deeply painful, with the reality of that heritage."
Mr. Keyes's comments reflect the views of a number of black Americans... Many argued that the term African-American should refer to the descendents of slaves brought to the United States centuries ago, not to newcomers who have not inherited the legacy of bondage, segregation and legal discrimination.
Do we really need to have these kinds of conversations anymore? Are we still going to have a back and forth as to who can really claim the term African-American, especially in such a public forum as a national television show. I guess Keyes is trying to divide the African Americans who are planning to vote for Obama. I don't know how many of them watch "This Week". Nice try.
Aarguments like these are just created to divide the black community. It aids in keeping us down and it bothers me when it is being used for political gain, especially by an African American man. There is a larger class discussion to had here as well but I just don't think I'm in the frame of mind to have it,