The Village Voice has an article this week that is my life entitled, "Graduate School: Superhighway to Poverty". It seems that those picket signs I take a cursory glance at as I go to yet another ridiculous film school pow wow (where we discuss how to do what the faculty wants so that you can graduate) are about something major. "Columbia's Graduate Student Employees United seeks recognition, over the administration's appeals, of a two-year-old vote that would make it the second officially recognized union at a private university." What that means is that PHD students just want some freakin benefits for teaching basically the entire undergraduate population. Many friends of mine have started PHD programs and dropped out because the prospect of no money and working in Topeka, KS is not worth it.
I am in Columbia's M.F.A. Film Program which is a different ballgame. Still, the similarities are there. Columbia University is an amazing school for the brain, resume and snooty cocktail party. However, I won't list my current debt and well, job security in this industry is nil. So, it was ironic that I walked through a picket sign to go to a meeting for my thesis short film to deal with more ivy league bureaucracy.
I am shooting a short film this August and two professors met with me for what they call PAB (Parole -- I mean Production Advisory Board), a meeting where the faculty reads the script you want to shoot, gives you feedback and essentially holds your fate in their hands. See if they don't sign your form, that means you can't borrow equipment and therefore, can not shoot. I am not going to give a blow by blow to spare my friends who have heard me rant face to face about this. I will just give you a summary of the best lines I was given about my script. Now keep in mind, I've already shot one film and am doing another one because I want to not have to. Also, keep in mind that I just produced a film that they seem to really like. Here is a summary:
"I feel like your script is like walking through the mall. Somethings are kind of interesting and I stop and listen but when I leave, I wonder what did I go for.""I know you're going for this whole 'slice of life' thing but I just don't think you're capable of that."
"Go to page 3. Go to page 3. OK." He reads it aloud. "I'd like to see you stage that"
I won't go on. There's no need. It was really infuriating especially since it costs so much freakin money to go there. It's like I'm paying to be treated like shit. Plus, in the end, I am not 100% sure this degree means anything. OOOY!
PS: There is absolutely no reason for the title of my post. I just really love that song!
PPS: Read the administration of Columbia University's Graduate Strike Information Page. It's good for a giggle!
I love Usher's song Burn. He is sooooooo sexy
Posted by: Tiffany | June 08, 2004 at 02:57 PM
I love Usher's song Burn. He is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Tish | June 08, 2004 at 03:01 PM
I didn't say Usher wasn't hot!!! I mean, even I an old woman of 28 can admit that. Check out the VH1 Special of the Best Bodies in the Business. Good God!
Posted by: tuckergurl | June 08, 2004 at 06:55 PM